Cartomancy: Ruling Element Directed Layouts (3/3)

In the first and second post in this series, I reference Ana Cortez's canonical work on playing card cartomancy. You'll discover a wealth of layouts and other crucial information along with two beautiful decks, enhanced by the stories and characters inspired by art and writing of CJ Freeman (father) , The Doors of Somlipith and The Playing Card Oracles. I highly recommend both of them.

I am also interested in Tarot and I feel these layouts can be used with decks of playing cards, Tarot, or any cards where there is an inherent association with the core four elements. I will leave discussing the Tarot's Elemental Dignities and how to treat the Major Arcana as an exploration for the reader. I use playing cards here.

Pulling the Ruling Element

These layouts are best for exploring situations as they exist at the current moment and what direction they are likely to proceed in without intervention. Divination is not about determining the future or ceding your free will. You may gain awareness that influences your choices, actions, or desire for guidance or intervention but the idea that divination is evil or paradoxical with any thing "meant to be" is a bit silly.

Like all attempts to change or understand, preparing for and revealing layouts best occurs under the influence of clarity, focus, and precise intent. The steps that are part of your ritual may vary and borrow from one or more of many traditions, or they may be all your own. There is no right or wrong way to open minds and reach out. Following your preparations, you start by revealing a single card: the element.

Exploring the Elemental Layouts

Once the ruling element of the situation is identified, you will pull and reveal 4 cards, then arrange and interpret their relationships based on that element. The card pulled for the ruling element is also the overall spirit of the situation's read.


One thing leads to another. Everything has a beginning and an end. Water cascades down as it moves forward and there is no going back. There is also no way to stop the water, though it may be possible to hold back temporarily and divert.

Look for relationships of the ruling element and the card elements, as well as the elements between the cards. Nothing is a coincidence. Note the ranks of the last two cards in the layout being the same, and summing to the 10. Find meaning.


Flaring to life, roaring brightly, then burning out. Here too we find a beginning and an end. Maybe it starts with a spark, an unexpected bolt of energy, or maybe it is intentionally lit. Light is the primary product of fire but most of the time there is sound, heat, and a smell that you can taste as well. Fire engages all the senses. It may disappear in an instant or smolder on, glowing faintly until it disappears.

Relationships between the cards in the middle of the layout will reveal meaning within their context. They may be linked, opposing, or alternatives to each other.


Perhaps the most difficult to predict or understand. Moving and working in complex and mysterious ways, but still following very strict rules. Expands to fill the space and moves on the path of least resistance to the point of lowest pressure. Coming and going like a dream. Rippling out from the point of origin on to bigger and hopefully better things. Less connected to the source the further it proceeds.

Imagine an expanding spiral extending out from the center card in a clockwise pattern. Half of the spiral is traced by the cards while the extent of the outer circle extends invisibly off to the right beyond the range of sight. Each card encountered adds to the bigger picture, but often is operating at another level from the prior.


Back to the basis. Anchored in solid ground and structurally sound. Fully alive and connected with everything but slow and resistant to change. Composed of energy rich from the dead, packed tightly together to create hard and heavy forms and monoliths. Protecting ancient knowledge and wisdom in deep caves and sacred spaces. Pressure within that can create the fires of hell and make liquid of stone.

Card relationships are often multi-faceted in this layout, closely connected through many paths and telling different parts of the same story. Meaning is multi-layered.

Finding your Truth

The most important aspect of the esoteric arts is knowing you have the power. You can find many guides, teachers, and sets of instructions for how to find the secrets hiding in plain sight in our cryptomorphic reality. No one will have the intent to reveal and create the best version of you and your reality but you. Only your perspective matters when it comes to how you spend your precious life.

Learn what you can when you can. Bond with kindred spirits and revel in the effect that can create for you. But beware of charlatans and monsters. They are real and will take from you until you are unable to give. Truth is your essence. Be that.